[NH] Quotes to lead a healthy life
A rich collection of quotes that will be useful to you for a healthy
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11:02 PM | | 0 Comments
[NH] xxxx +18
xxxx +18
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3:23 PM | | 0 Comments
[NH] Free advertising
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3:21 PM | | 0 Comments
[NH] WHAT IS ISLAM????????????
Can we find an explanation of the great universe? Is there any
convincing interpretation of the secret of existence? We realize that
no family can function properly without a responsible head, that no
city can prosperously exist without sound administration, and that no
state can survive without a leader of some kind. We also realize that
nothing comes into being on its own. Moreover, we observe that the
universe exists and functions in the most orderly manner, and that it
has survived for hundreds of thousand of years. Can we then say that
all this is accidental and haphazard? Can we attribute the existence
of man and the whole world to mere chance.
Man represents only a very small portion of the great universe. And if
he can make plans and appreciate the merits of planning, then his own
existence and the survival of the universe must also be a planned
policy. This means that there is an extraordinary power to bring
things into being and keep them moving in order.
In the world then must be a great force in action to keep everything
in order. In the beautiful nature there must be a Great creator who
creates the most charming pieces of art produces every thing for a
special purpose in life. The deeply enlightened people recognize this
creator and call him Allah "God". He is not a man because no man can
create or make another man. He is not an animal, nor he is a plant. He
is neither an Idol nor is He a statue of any kind because non of these
things can make itself or create anything else. He is different from
all these things because he is the maker and keeper of them all. The
maker of anything must be different from and greater than things which
he makes.
There are various ways to know God "ALLAH'' and there are many things
to tell about him. The great wonders and impressive marvels of the
world are like open books in which we can read about God. Besides, God
Himself comes to our aid through the many Messengers and revelations
He has sent down to man. These Messengers and revelations tell us
everything we need to know about God.
The complete acceptance of the teachings and guidance of God 'Allah'
as revealed to His Messengers Muhammad is the religion of Islam. Islam
enjoins faith in the oneness and sovereignty of Allah, which makes man
aware of meaningfulness of the Universe and of his place in it. This
belief frees him from all fears and superstitions by making him
conscious of the presence of the Almighty Allah and of man's
obligations towards Him. This faith must be expressed and tested in
actions, faith alone is not enough. Belief in one God requires that we
look upon all humanity as one family under the universal Omnipotence
of God the Creator and Nourisher of all. Islam rejects the idea of
chosen people, making belief in God and good actions the only way to
heaven. Thus, a direct relationship in established with God, without
any intercessor.
Islam is not a new religion. It is, in essence, the same message and
guidance which Allah revealed to all Prophets. Adam, Noah, Abraham,
Ismael, David, Moses and Jesus (PBUT). But the message which was
revealed to Prophet Mohammed (PBUT) is Islam in its comprehensive,
complete and final form.
The Quran is the last revealed word of Allah and the basic source of
Islamic teachings and laws. The Quran deals with the basis of creeds,
morality, history of humanity, worship, knowledge, wisdom, God-man
relationship, and human relationship in all aspects. Comprehensive
teaching on which, can be built sound systems of social justice,
economics, politics, legislation, jurisprudence, law and international
relations, are important contents of the Quran. Hadith, the teachings,
sayings and actions of Prophet Mohammed (PBUT), meticulously reported
and collected by his devoted companions. Explained and elaborated the
Quranic verses.
The true faithful Muslim believes in the following Principal articles
of faith:-
1. He believes in One God 'Allah', Supreme and Eternal, Infinite and
Mighty, Merciful and Compassionate, Creator and Provider.
2. He believes in all Messengers of God without any discrimination
among them. Every known nation had a warner or Messenger from God.
They were chosen by God to teach mankind and deliver His divine
message. The Quran mentions the name of twenty five of them. Among
them Mohammad stands as the last Messenger and the crowning glory of
the foundation of Prophethood.
3. Muslin believes in all scriptures and revelations of God. They were
the guiding light which the Messengers received to show their
respected peoples the Right Path of God. In the Quran a special
reference is made to the books of Abraham, Moses, David and Jesus. But
long before the revelations has been lost or corrupted. The only
authentic and complete book of God in existence in the Quran.
4. The true Muslim believes in the Angels of Allah. They are purely
spiritual and splendid beings whose nature requires no0061 Z food,
drink or sleep. They spend their days and nights in the worship of
5. Muslim believes in the last Day of Judgement. This world will come
to an end someday, and the dead will rise to stand for their final and
fair trial. People with good records will be generously, rewarded and
warmly welcomed to the Heaven of Allah, and those with bad records
will be punished and cast into Hell.
6. Muslim believes in the timeless knowledge of God and His power to
plan and execute His planes and nothing could happen in His Kingdom
against His will. His knowledge and power are in action at all times
and command over His creation. He is wise and merciful, and whatever
He does must have a meaningful purpose. If this is established in our
mind and hearts, we should accept with good faith all that He does,
although we may fail to under stand it fully, or think it is bad.
Faith without actions arid practice is a dead end, as far as Islam is
concerned. Faith by nature is very sensitive and can be most
effective. When it is not out of practice or out of use, it quickly
loses its liveliness and motivation power.
There are five pillars of Islam:
1 - The declaration of faith: To bear witness that there is none
worthy of worship except Allah, and that Mohammad (PBUH) is His
Messenger to all human beings till the Day of Judgment. The
Prophethood of Mohammad obliges the Muslims to follow, His exemplary
life as a model.
2 - Prayers: Daily, prayers are offered five times a day as a duty
towards Allah. They strengthen and enliven the belief in Allah and
inspire man to a higher morality. They purity the heart and prevent
temptation towards wrong - doings and evil.
3 - Fasting the month of Ramadan. The Muslims during the month of
Ramadan not only abstain from food, drink and sexual intercourse from
dawn to sunset but also sincerity and devotion. It develops a sound
social conscience, patience, unselfishness and will - Power.
4 - Zakkah: The literal and simple meaning of Zakkah is charity. The
technical meaning of this word designates the annual amount in kind or
coin which a Muslim with means must distribute among the rightful
beneficiaries. But the religious and spiritual significance of Zakkah
is much deeper and more lively. So it has humanitarian and
sociopolitical values.
5 - Hajj (Pilgrimage to Makkah): It is to be performed once in a
lifetime, if one can afford it financially and physically.
If you wish to know more about Islam, we prefer to visit
the following websites:
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1:07 PM | | 0 Comments
[NH] You Need to Naturally Increase Your Metabolism to Succeed at Dieting
If you are serious about loosing weight and keeping it off you really
need to understand that this is about a lifestyle change. Many people
see advertisements in various media telling you how easy it is if you
use their product or system. The reality is that while some people
will loose weight most will not experience a permanent loss. If you
want to make weight loss permanent the best way is to naturally
increase your metabolism. If you do this you will burn off more
calories than you consume? The measurement of how fast your body burns
calories and converts it into energy is called metabolism.
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11:32 AM | | 0 Comments
[NH] What is the Best Acai Supplement For You?
In light of all the publicity from major news sources such as CNN and
CBS that acai has received recently and the vast array of products
available may people are asking the question "how do I find the best
acai supplement?" Many have seen Oprah and Rachael Ray feature this
amazing supplement on their television shows. This coverage preceded a
list of other celebrity endorsements that brought much attention and
public awareness to acai as a weight loss supplement. You can also go
online and get information from numerous blog posts and articles on
the topic. It is no wonder that with all this coverage it has created
confusion for people.
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5:26 AM | | 0 Comments
[NH] Phero-x Wangian Penambat Wanita...!
Androstenone Pheromone
The Science Of Attraction
Product By : Morgan Labs LCC
Made In : Russia
Phero-X adalah formula yang kompleks dan rumit,
anda akan menjana pelbagai kesan aura dan mencuri perhatian manusia.
Kesan keseluruhannya akan membuatkan anda rasa mudah untuk bergaul
dan bermesra dan bertemu dengan kenalan.
Yang anda akan benar-benar pasti ialah bau pheromones
yang unik membuatkan ramai orang tertanya-tanya
di dalam hati.... "bau apakah ini???" disebabkan kesan
pheromones yang bermain dengan minda mereka.
Tidak seperti kebanyakan pewangi, kerana anda tahu,
sebaik sahaja menghidu minyak wangi,anda tahu itu minyak wangi....
tetapi pheromones Phero-X kalau dihidu,
akan membuatkan anda tertanya-tanya... "bau apa ni"... hemm...
Harus di ingat, Phero-X bukan lah minyak pengasih yang berunsurkan
perkara negatif.
Banyak Orang Tak Faham Fungsi Phero-X Rupanya.
Saya Kongsi Fungsi-fungsi Phero-X dengan anda semua ok...
Disebabkan kandungan Pheromone jenis Androstenone yang tinggi,
maka kesan-kesan yang akan diperolehi adalah :-
1. Aura
Aura kelelakian akan menjadi tinggi secara mendadak...
Kerana hormon Androstenone ini akan menyebabkan minda bawah
sedar pemakai tahu bahawa hormon kelelakiannya ditahap maksima.
2. Orang sekeliling
Orang sekeliling akan tertanya-tanya di dalam hati...
Bau apa yang mereka hidu... Diri sendiri pun akan pelik
dan tertanya-tanya bau apa... Sedangkan anda memakai Phero-X...
3. Mesra
Kenapa orang yang berada dalam jarak 1 hingga 5 kaki akan
lebih mesra setelah mengenali anda dalam 2-5 minit pertama???
Jangan pelik kerana Androstenone mengubah minda bawah sedar
orang yang berada disekeliling menjadi lebih peramah dan terbuka...
So kepada yang guna Phero-X dan tidak memahami kegunaan Phero-
X,mungkin akan keliru...
Phero-X cuma meningkatkan keterampilan anda dengan Aura Hormon
(Tidak Lebih Dari Itu)
Pasti akan ada yang bertanya,,, Adakah Phero-X berkesan???
*(Jawapannya) Ia berkesan untuk saya...
Ia juga didapati berkesan untuk kawan-kawan saya...
Jika anda menjual/membeli Phero-X...
Saya rasa dah banyak testimoni yang ada... Berlambak-lambak!!!
Jadi kalau ada pelanggan yang tidak appriciate,
tidak suka dan tidak hargai Phero-X...(Jangan Hirau,, Ada Moneyback
Produk berkesan... tapi mungkin mereka expect yang lebih tinggi...
contoh bila pakai Phero-X... ada makwe akan kejar mereka dan bogel
dihadapan mereka....
kah kah kah ....Ini mustahil sebab wanita-wanita Malaysia punyai harga
diri yang tinggi!!!
Kerja keraslah skett brother... Berkenalan dulu.. Kenal hati budi...
Barulahh tackle...
Sekian dari saya... Warga Malaysia yang suka lihat keharmonian dalam
Forum Ini...
dan dengan keahlian yang Akrab!!!
Warga-warga penjual/ejen Phero-X yang bekerja keras,,,disamping
mencari rezki yang halal...
Anda juga telah berhasil menjadikan ramai warga
Malaysia berkeyakinan tinggi dengan keterampilan mereka...
Hidup Phero-X...
Cubalah... Anda pasti teruja!!!
Tempah Phero-X Online
Tempahan boleh dibuat melalui:-
Maybank2u.com / Maybank Atm Cash Deposit
CimbClicks / Cimb Atm Cash Deposit
1. Bankin RM49.00 ke Akaun :
Nama : zanuddin bin nawang
Nama Bank : Maybank Berhad
Acc No :155126999034
Nama Bank : CIMB Bank
Acc No : 05040000606107
2. Simpan segala bukti transaksi pembayaran anda.
(Simpan sehingga anda menerima barangan anda)
3. Sms / Call : 019-3019978
Berikan butiran lengkap berikut :
Nama anda
Alamat Anda
Bank In
Jumlah Transaksi
Masa transaksi
Tarikh transaksi
Kod Produk : PHR
Contoh :-
ehsan bin ali<space>No2,Jalan P/9a,Kawasan Perusahaan Sek 13,
43650,Bandar Baru Bangi Selangor<space>Maybank<space>
RM49.00<space>10.00AM <space>18.01.2010<space>PHR
maklumat lanjut layari http://lelakiperkasa.com/phero-x
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11:20 AM | | 0 Comments
[NH] Chemistry Blood Medical Software
Chemistry Blood Medical Software
Blood Lab Software Blood Lab Software
Blood Blood Blood Software Software Software
Blood Blood Blood Software Software Software
Blood Value Software
BloodLabPro Software Ver. 1.8
Unlimited Patients Records
(Est. 5 Billion Record Capacity)
22 Programmable Fields Per Patient Per Record
66 Programmable Blood Values Per Record
Blood Chemical Modifiers Database
Builtin Browser, Editer, Image, Media Viewer
Builtin Calendar, charting (future Option)
Very Cheap Paypal Accepted
Instant Email Delivery, Lifetime Upgrades
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8:16 AM | | 0 Comments
[NH] www.lifestyle.asusu.edu.eg
hello every body i visited this site www.lifestyle.asusu.edu.eg .i
know alot about my healthy& unhealthy food it's amazing
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6:24 AM | | 0 Comments
[NH] شرموطة عربية في فلم اجنبي مدة 23 دقيقة + الصور
شرموطة عربية في فلم اجنبي مدة 23 دقيقة + الصور
ولد ينيك اختو بالطيز +الصور
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9:36 PM | | 0 Comments
[NH] شرموطة عربية في فلم اجنبي مدة 23 دقيقة + الصور
شرموطة عربية في فلم اجنبي مدة 23 دقيقة + الصور
ولد ينيك اختو بالطيز +الصور
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9:36 PM | | 0 Comments
[NH] شرموطة عربية في فلم اجنبي مدة 23 دقيقة + الصور
شرموطة عربية في فلم اجنبي مدة 23 دقيقة + الصور
ولد ينيك اختو بالطيز +الصور
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9:36 PM | | 0 Comments
[NH] فلم الغبي اللي مو فالح حتى بالسكس فلم مميز
فيلم للراقصة دينا على الهواء مباشرة
فلم الغبي اللي مو فالح حتى بالسكس فلم مميز
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3:46 AM | | 0 Comments
[NH] فلم الغبي اللي مو فالح حتى بالسكس فلم مميز
فيلم للراقصة دينا على الهواء مباشرة
فلم الغبي اللي مو فالح حتى بالسكس فلم مميز
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3:46 AM | | 0 Comments
[NH] فلم الغبي اللي مو فالح حتى بالسكس فلم مميز
فيلم للراقصة دينا على الهواء مباشرة
فلم الغبي اللي مو فالح حتى بالسكس فلم مميز
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3:46 AM | | 0 Comments
[NH] ولد ينيك بنت محجبة جسمها نار مع مص الزب بعد النياكة ارجو التثبيت
رقص و تعري لبنت سورية 14 دقيقة
ولد ينيك بنت محجبة جسمها نار مع مص الزب بعد النياكة ارجو التثبيت
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11:15 PM | | 0 Comments
[NH] ولد ينيك بنت محجبة جسمها نار مع مص الزب بعد النياكة ارجو التثبيت
رقص و تعري لبنت سورية 14 دقيقة
ولد ينيك بنت محجبة جسمها نار مع مص الزب بعد النياكة ارجو التثبيت
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11:15 PM | | 0 Comments
[NH] ولد ينيك بنت محجبة جسمها نار مع مص الزب بعد النياكة ارجو التثبيت
رقص و تعري لبنت سورية 14 دقيقة
ولد ينيك بنت محجبة جسمها نار مع مص الزب بعد النياكة ارجو التثبيت
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11:15 PM | | 0 Comments
[NH] ولد ينيك بنت محجبة جسمها نار مع مص الزب بعد النياكة ارجو التثبيت
رقص و تعري لبنت سورية 14 دقيقة
ولد ينيك بنت محجبة جسمها نار مع مص الزب بعد النياكة ارجو التثبيت
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8:58 PM | | 0 Comments
[NH] ولد ينيك بنت محجبة جسمها نار مع مص الزب بعد النياكة ارجو التثبيت
رقص و تعري لبنت سورية 14 دقيقة
ولد ينيك بنت محجبة جسمها نار مع مص الزب بعد النياكة ارجو التثبيت
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8:58 PM | | 0 Comments
[NH] ولد ينيك بنت محجبة جسمها نار مع مص الزب بعد النياكة ارجو التثبيت
رقص و تعري لبنت سورية 14 دقيقة
ولد ينيك بنت محجبة جسمها نار مع مص الزب بعد النياكة ارجو التثبيت
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8:58 PM | | 0 Comments
[NH] Parentingpotentials.com?
Parenting Potentials a Scam?
The Truth Will Shock You!
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5:13 AM | | 0 Comments
[NH] اول مشركة لي فلم الدكتور و الممرضة المحجبة
اول مشركة لي فلم الدكتور و الممرضة المحجبة
بنوته سورية في فلم اغراء و تعري
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10:18 PM | | 0 Comments
[NH] اول مشركة لي فلم الدكتور و الممرضة المحجبة
اول مشركة لي فلم الدكتور و الممرضة المحجبة
بنوته سورية في فلم اغراء و تعري
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10:18 PM | | 0 Comments
[NH] اول مشركة لي فلم الدكتور و الممرضة المحجبة
اول مشركة لي فلم الدكتور و الممرضة المحجبة
بنوته سورية في فلم اغراء و تعري
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10:18 PM | | 0 Comments
Re: [NH] School Health Check-up
Thanks very much
Trinity Care Foundation is a Non-Profit Organization based in
Bangalore dedicated to School Health Programs, Facial Deformity
Programs and Oral Cancer Programs, working with community
organizations, educational Institutions and involving Government,
Industry and the Medical Profession.
Visit School Health Program in India: http://1000cities.who.int/photo/albums/school-health-checkup
Website: http://lnkd.in/JUG2n5 , http://www.trinitycarefoundation.org/
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9:33 PM | | 0 Comments
[NH] Atlantis - Space Shuttle
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Email: soumya@soumyabrata.com | |
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9:29 PM | | 0 Comments
[NH] School Health Check-up
Trinity Care Foundation is a Non-Profit Organization based in
Bangalore dedicated to School Health Programs, Facial Deformity
Programs and Oral Cancer Programs, working with community
organizations, educational Institutions and involving Government,
Industry and the Medical Profession.
Visit School Health Program in India: http://1000cities.who.int/photo/albums/school-health-checkup
Website: http://lnkd.in/JUG2n5 , http://www.trinitycarefoundation.org/
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12:41 PM | | 0 Comments
[NH] Colon Cleanse Naturally for Digestive System Health
Natural constipation cures offer digestive system help. Detoxifying
the colon is about is about digestive system health.
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6:43 AM | | 0 Comments
[NH] Healthy Mediterranean Diet
Safe, Easy, Achievable, Healthy Diet & Recipes. Centuries Of
Verification And Its Tasty. Also Known As The Heart Diet Or Cancer
Diet And Is Currently One Of The Most Respected Diets Known Today.
visit us : http://www.iteung.com
Best Regards,
Healthy Sarah Bright
Thanks for join
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12:28 AM | | 0 Comments
Re: [NH]
thank you
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11:07 PM | | 0 Comments
[NH] تدلع عليه و تلعب بكسها و تطلب منو عالجني يا دكتور مع الصور
تدلع عليه و تلعب بكسها و تطلب منو عالجني يا دكتور مع الصور
مؤخرة خليجية تجنن + الصور
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12:56 AM | | 0 Comments
[NH] تدلع عليه و تلعب بكسها و تطلب منو عالجني يا دكتور مع الصور
تدلع عليه و تلعب بكسها و تطلب منو عالجني يا دكتور مع الصور
مؤخرة خليجية تجنن + الصور
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12:56 AM | | 0 Comments
[NH] تدلع عليه و تلعب بكسها و تطلب منو عالجني يا دكتور مع الصور
تدلع عليه و تلعب بكسها و تطلب منو عالجني يا دكتور مع الصور
مؤخرة خليجية تجنن + الصور
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12:56 AM | | 0 Comments
[NH] فيديو لحكومه اسرائيل
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10:08 PM | | 0 Comments
[NH] فيديو لحكومه اسرائيل
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10:08 PM | | 0 Comments
[NH] فيديو لحكومه اسرائيل
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10:08 PM | | 0 Comments
[NH] What Are the Best Ways to Naturally Increase Metabolism?
In order to naturally increase your metabolism we need to know some of
the factors that can affect it. One of those factors is the health of
your thyroid gland. When your thyroid is working properly it produces
the necessary amount of hormones which will enable your body's
metabolism to operate at optimum levels. It will not be working to
slowly or to fast.
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9:18 AM | | 0 Comments
[NH] سعودية مبللة قبل حتى ما تاكل الاير
سعودية مبللة قبل حتى ما تاكل الاير
سعودي ينيك بنت بالطيز و هي تترجاه يطلعو
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9:47 PM | | 0 Comments
[NH] سعودية مبللة قبل حتى ما تاكل الاير
سعودية مبللة قبل حتى ما تاكل الاير
سعودي ينيك بنت بالطيز و هي تترجاه يطلعو
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9:46 PM | | 0 Comments
[NH] سعودية مبللة قبل حتى ما تاكل الاير
سعودية مبللة قبل حتى ما تاكل الاير
سعودي ينيك بنت بالطيز و هي تترجاه يطلعو
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9:46 PM | | 0 Comments
[NH] Big Pharma nanotechnology encodes pills with tracking data that you swallow
The emerging field of nanotechnology is currently gaining a lot of
attention across many industries. Nanotechnology allows scientists to
manipulate individual atoms and molecules to create unique materials
and even micro-scale devices, and this is leading to a wide range of
applications in clothing, textiles, electronics and even food and
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10:17 AM | | 0 Comments
[NH] How to Conduct a School Oral Health Program?
Trinity Care Foundation is a Bangalore based Non-Profit Organization
dedicated to School Health Programs, Facial Deformity Programs and
Oral Cancer, working with community organizations, educational
Institutions and involving Government, Industry and the Medical
Visit WHO Video : http://1000cities.who.int/video/school-oral-health-program
Website: http://www.trinitycarefoundation.org/
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8:02 AM | | 0 Comments
The Ninth Gate Activation of the 11:11
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11:28 PM | | 0 Comments
thank you
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5:23 PM | | 0 Comments
[NH] ممرضة تمص الزب و تحطو بطيزها في المشفى + الصور
ممرضة تمص الزب و تحطو بطيزها في المشفى + الصور
فتاة عربية و شبين الاول من الفم و الاخر من الفتحتين الباقيتين + الصور
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11:05 PM | | 0 Comments
[NH] ممرضة تمص الزب و تحطو بطيزها في المشفى + الصور
ممرضة تمص الزب و تحطو بطيزها في المشفى + الصور
فتاة عربية و شبين الاول من الفم و الاخر من الفتحتين الباقيتين + الصور
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11:05 PM | | 0 Comments
[NH] How can You Lower Cholesterol Without the Use of Prescription Drugs
We all know that high cholesterol levels lead to heart attacks and
stroke. While prescription drugs are successful in lowering
cholesterol for many people they do come with some harsh side effects
for many. It is known that around 15% of people taking statin drugs
will discontinue using them due to the side effects. This is why so
many are asking the question "how can I lower cholesterol without
Our current medical community uses these drugs as the first line of
defense to treat people that are diagnosed with high cholesterol. This
is in light of the fact that many will experience memory loss and
muscle pain which in some cases can lead to permanent damage.
How can You Lower Cholesterol Without the Use of Prescription Drugs
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1:52 PM | | 0 Comments
[NH] Oh Oh Oh No No No Oh Oh Oh No No No Oh Oh Oh No No No
Oh Oh Oh
Here is a hot BDSM community that is tops for both education and for
locating real people. It is fun of experienced individuals who are
seeking others. Come and join the kink today.
3:39 PM | | 0 Comments
[NH] Oh Oh Oh No No No Oh Oh Oh No No No Oh Oh Oh No No No
Oh Oh Oh
Here is a hot BDSM community that is tops for both education and for
locating real people. It is fun of experienced individuals who are
seeking others. Come and join the kink today.
3:39 PM | | 0 Comments
[NH] the last Night +18 online
the last Night +18 online
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5:10 PM | | 0 Comments
[NH] Binaural Brainwave Generator
BrainStimPro Binaural Brainwave Generator is a Professional Medical
Brainwave Tuning tool for medical personal. With adjustable freq, base
frequency, modulation, duration, 8 programmable mask/background noises
(White, Pink, Surf, Rain, etc) 16 programmable color strobe sets
(foreground/background), 4 waveforms (Sine, Square, Saw, Triangle, 12
Programmable Ramp and Sweep Frequency functions, audio to visual pulse
ratio adjust and 24 programmable freq. buttons. In short the software
has well over 300 different options.
The Audio tone generation for binaural brainwave synchronization uses
latest directX sound system oscillators, has 4 different waveforms and
20 brainwave frequency bands with 2X and .5X functions and up/down
1/5HZ buttons plus manual entry frequencies for a unlimited frequency
spectrum for brain wave driving from Delta to Ultra Gamma, (1 to well
over 15600HZ). Adjustable base frequency (10HZ to 15600HZ), phase
modulation 0% to 50% channel reversible, 8 masking noise Options,
(Unlimited with different file names) , Mixer controls, presets and
programmable frequency controls. Also has a programmable color strobe
(Stim / Background) stimulation section frequency driven with 16
independent different color pairs and sound to light ratio adjustment
with 1/3 of full screen usage.
A new just released upgraded version now has 24 programmable frequency
buttons to store your favorite frequencies and comes pretuned to four
of the major Schumann's resonance frequencies to enhance amplification
of the naturally occurring peak frequencies of the brain. By using
base frequencies that are an even 10X the frequency of the Schumann's
resonance, further enhancement of driving efficiency is attained.(see
As of Ver 2.2 (this one is ver 4.0) all functions are now available
from the pull down menus as well, (Well over 130), added better
durational display information, more precise timer controls, and
better color choice information. And rewrote the user manual. Added
full Screen strobe functions, 3 X the programmable buttons (now 24 not
8), By clicking on the PrgSet button, the buttons marked A-H change
from A-H to I to P to Q to X and back to A to H with separate Prg Set
buttons (Also change name), (to store frequencies entered in the text
boxes), and much more. As of Ver. 3.2 4 buttons give you instant
access to the windows Wave recorder, Media Player, Mixer Console plus
DXDiag for studio recording and mixing of the binaural sounds. Another
first as of ver. 3.5 : you can now program 12 different custom sweep
freq scans from low to high or high to low with different binaural and
base frequencies with 1 to 60 min sweep times per freq. plus custom
settingas well as upper and lower frequency limits.
As of Ver 4.0 the user now has 10 trigger Conditions and 10
Programmable Events for a total of 100 different event trigger
combinations to control other programs, events, stimuli, etc. Useful
for different audio functions, screen information, different visual
stimulis, Pos rewards, slide shows or presentations. Or for therpy
with images with psychophisological impact on the challenging
situations in individuals lives, etc..
A visual section for on screen photolytic Stimulation or Relaxation
driving with adjustable colors and sound frequencies for precise
sound / color frequency octave matching (sound freq vs color freq).
Now has 16 programmable color sets (foreground and background). As
well as a sound to color harmonic adjuster for Video/Sound offset
(flash rate of stobe vs sound freq rate ), for audio to video driving
lobe synchronization freq differents. (Since Occipital Resolution freq
(Sample rate) is different then auditorial lobe freq resolution). The
above simply stated is that different colors for different frequencies
and flash ratios for audio and visual lobe stimulation can be
adjusted. Use with headphones for enhanced meditation or for enhancing
better brain function (higher frequencies).Will run on any windows
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2:39 PM | | 0 Comments
[NH] Naturally Increase Metabolism and Shed Those Unwanted Pounds
Loosing weight takes a commitment to a change in lifestyle. We all see
the latest fad diets being advertised that make weight loss look so
easy. The problem is that for most people the weight loss is not
permanent. The best way to take those pounds off is to naturally
increase your metabolism. This way your body is burning more calories
than it is taking in. Metabolism is a measure of how fast your body
burns the calories you take in and convert it to needed energy.
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5:36 AM | | 0 Comments
[NH] Toni katvixen is finger lickin good
Toni katvixen is finger lickin good
All kinds of girls new
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9:50 PM | | 0 Comments
[NH] Toni katvixen is finger lickin good
Toni katvixen is finger lickin good
All kinds of girls new
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9:50 PM | | 0 Comments
[NH] Toni katvixen is finger lickin good
Toni katvixen is finger lickin good
All kinds of girls new
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9:50 PM | | 0 Comments
[NH] خليجية تقعد على زب طلوع نزول + الصور
خليجية تقعد على زب طلوع نزول + الصور
نياكة في المؤخرة في الحمام + الصور
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9:21 PM | | 0 Comments