[NH] What can make you look sexy and healthy? Options
Many women ask what kind of fitness shoes to wear the most sexy, what
kind of good-looking? In fact, everybody does not look like what kind
of shoes, naturally, the first choice of the most sexy for their
personal shoes. Then look at your height, if the low point of the
points of shoes to wear, so look thin. The designer's point of view,
see a pair of MBT footwear are sexy, the first concern is the arch
(shoes, bow) at the line, generally, in the 10-12cm heel shoes,arch
between the lines of the best looking, and after a woman wearing a
calf, thigh into the curve of the buttocks is also beautiful.
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8:46 PM | | 0 Comments
[NH] Make Money With No Investment -- Starting From Scratch ...
Make Money With No Investment -- Starting From Scratch ...
In the begining it's a tentative situation. Your first few deals are
small potatoes. To make money with no investment is not entirley
Everyone has access to something. Some small amount that will be
allocated for wealth building. I think back to when I was starting
from scratch and at the time my cynical attitude made it painful, but
looking back I remember the experience fondly.
It's challenging to make money with no investment capital but when you
are starting from scratch you have nothing to lose. With your back to
the wall, you can go forward confidently in the knowledge that you
literally have little to lose.
Curiously, all great wealth once began from scratch. To make money
with no investment capital is exactly .............
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11:27 AM | | 0 Comments
[NH] Weight Loss: Keeping a Food Diary
If you wanna know more imformation of fitness , health, healthy
lifestyle or healthy weight loss ways, welcome to my MBT blog:
http://mbtenergy.wordpress.com/ Thx :)
Mode diets go in and out, but doctors and dietitians agree that
keeping a watchful food diary is the single best way to lose weight
and keep it off.
"A food diary makes eating a conscious act," says Joanne Larsen,
founder of Dietitian.com.
Tracking what, how much and when you eat can offer real insight into
where extra weight is coming from. The food diary helps you recognize
how even small adjustments in what you eat can encourage weight loss.
Here are some simple steps to keeping a food diary:
Step 1: Choose Your Medium
A pen and a small notepad work fine, but devotees of personal digital
assistants (PDAs) might find that technology helps them best. The most
important factor in keeping your food journal is finding a method that
works well for you. A host of food and exercise journals are also
available online — some free, others for a small fee. These online
services often offer nutritional facts, including calories, fat grams,
sugar grams, exercise components, even recipes and message boards for
diet support. In a pinch, recording a meal on a napkin and entering
the information when you get home works too.
Step 2: Write It Down Right Away
That afternoon apple or that nibble of your child's Cheez-Its needs to
be recorded immediately for your food journal to be effective."Food
records are more accurate if food is recorded immediately after eating
rather than recalled from memory at the end of the day," Larsen says.
"Recording what you eat, as you eat, can help change what you eat at
the next meal." Forgotten calories — even a measly 20 or 30 — can lead
to weight gain or plateaus in a weight-loss program.
Step 3: Learn What to Write Down
The basic information to include in any food diary – whether you're
keeping it to record sugar consumption, allergy possibilities or to
track weight loss – is what food was eaten and the amount of it. For
weight loss, you'll also want to record calories and/or fat grams and
keep a running total for the day. The time of day you ate can also be
useful information. When you eat can be just as important as how much
you eat. If most of your calories are consumed in the hours after work
and before bed, that could explain why the pounds continue to linger
although you feel like you've hardly eaten all day — you might adjust
to eat smaller meals throughout the day to curb the overload at
dinner. You may also want to record how you were feeling or what you
were doing when you ate to determine if there might be some pattern to
your moods or activities that leads you to eat higher calorie meals.
Step 4: Measure your Portions
When beginning your food journal, you may want to invest in a food
scale to make certain your portion size is in line with the calorie
count. A typical 4-oz. serving of chicken may be smaller (or larger)
than you think.
Remember to include the food you've eaten while dining out. It may be
difficult to track amounts and other nutritional information, but it's
important to record what you ate to get an accurate snapshot of the
day's intake. As you grow more comfortable with measuring portions at
home, you will be able to accurately estimate portion size when dining
out. Ask your favorite restaurants if they have a nutritional listing
– often they will provide one at the restaurant or will direct you to
where you can find the information online.
Food diaries are designed to uncover patterns and habits in eating
that adversely affect your weight. Be honest with yourself and be
thorough in your recording. You may find that — with just a few
adjustments to your diet — you could lose those last stubborn pounds
or even drop a whole dress size.
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7:54 PM | | 0 Comments
[NH] DoFollow AutoApproved list
auto approved urls from 250000 unique domains..
All the links are checked and are ready for Scrapebox and other blog commenting software.. I have got a success rate of more than 85%
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2:42 AM | | 0 Comments
NFEU - End of Summer Update
5:01 PM | | 0 Comments
[NH] Dominate Google today! Increase your rankings with High PR backlinks
Do you want to boost your blog in Google?! You can give your blog a huge kick by backlinking with other websites. I know this isn't new news, but so many people forget to build strong and relevant backlinks to their websites.
We all know how important backlinks are at ranking our websites. The results for being ranked #1 in Google for your keyword are fantastic. If you are yet to experience the rush of thousands of visitors buying and clicking on your website every day then you really are missing out
The fact is that Internet Marketing and SEO in particular are fiercely competitive today and if you want your site to get seen at all then it just MUST be ranking high on Google for your chosen keywords
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1:56 AM | | 0 Comments
[NH] Islam: The Perfect Religion and Best Way of Life for All !!!!!!!!!!!!
Islam: The Perfect Religion and Best Way of Life for All
By Dr. Norlain Dindang Mababaya
It is a must that we strive to know Islam. Allâh's Messenger
(sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam, meaning: May the peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him) to the whole mankind encourages us to acquire
knowledge of Islam in order to comprehend it. He says in the
following authentic Ahâdith:
Abu Hurairah (radhiallâhu anhu, meaning: May Allah be pleased with
him) narrated that... the Prophet (sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam)
said, "Those who were the best in the pre-lslamic period of ignorance
will be the best in Islam provided they comprehend the religious
knowledge." (Bukhâri 4/572 and Muslim)
'Abdur Rahmân ibn Abi Bakrah (radhiallâhu anhu) narrated on the
authority of his father that the Prophet (sallallâhu 'alayhi
wasallam) said, "If Allâh wants to do good to a person, he makes him
comprehend the religion; and of course knowledge is attained by
learning." (Bukhâri 1/67)
Mu'awiyah ibn Abi Sufyân narrated that Allâh's Messenger said,
"Goodness is a (natural) habit while the evil is a stubbornness. To
whomsoever Allâh wills to show goodness, He favors him with the
understanding in the Religion." (Ibn Mâjah, 1/221)
When we study Islam or at least read the Qur'an and the authentic
Ahâdith we learn that Islam is easy, complete and the perfect religion
as well as way of life for the whole mankind. We read in the Qur'an
and the Ahâdith the following unique features of Islam:
1. Islam is easy:
"But whoever believes and works righteousness he shall have a goodly
reward and easy will be his task as We order it by Our
command." (Qur'an 18:88)
Abu Hurairah (radhiallâhu anhu) narrated that the Prophet
(sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam) said, "Religion (Islam) is very easy
and whoever overburdens himself in his religion will not be able to
continue in that way. So you should not be extremists, but try to be
near to perfection and receive the good tidings that you will be
rewarded; and gain strength by offering the prayers in the mornings,
afternoons and during the last hours of the nights." (Bukhâri 1/38)
Anas bin Malik (radhiallâhu anhu) narrated that the Prophet
(sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam) said, "Make things easy for the people,
and do not make it difficult for them, and make them calm (with glad
tidings) and do not repulse (them)." (Bukhâri,8/146)
2. Islam is complete:
"…He it is Who has sent unto you the Book, explained in detail. They
know full well, to whom We have given the Book, that it has been sent
down from your Rabb in truth. Never be then of those who
doubt." (6:114)
"For We had certainly sent unto them a Book based on knowledge, which
We explained in detail -- a guide and a mercy to all who
believe." (7:52)
"…(This is ) a Book with verses basic or fundamental (of established
meaning) -- further explained in detail -- from One Who is Wise
and Well-Acquainted (with all things)." (11:1)
3. Islam is perfect:
"...This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My
favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your
religion." (5:3)
As the perfect religion, Islam teaches mankind how to attain success
in the most perfect way. The following are some of the Ahâdith that
serve as enlightenment and guidance to those who desire for
Abu Hurairah (radhiallâhu anhu) narrated that the Prophet
(sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam) said, "Goodness and comfort are for
him who worships his Rabb in a perfect manner and serves his master
sincerely." (Bukhari 3/725)
Ibn Umar (radhiallâhu anhu) narrated that Allâh's Messenger
(sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam) said, "If a slave is honest and
faithful to his master and worships his Rabb (Allâh) in a perfect
manner, he will get a double reward." (Bukhari 3/722)
Abu Hurairah (radhiallâhu anhu) narrated that the Prophet
(sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam) said, "Whoever believes in Allâh and
His Messenger, offers prayers perfectly and fasts (the month of)
Ramadan then it is incumbent upon Allâh to admit him into Paradise,
whether he emigrates for Allâh's cause or stays in the land where he
was born." They (the companions of the Prophet (sallallâhu 'alayhi
wasallam) said, "O Allâh's Messenger (sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam)!
Should we not inform the people of that?" He said, "There are one-
hundred degrees in Paradise which Allâh has prepared for those who
carry on Jihad in His Cause. The distance between every two degrees is
like the distance between the sky and the Earth. So if you ask Allâh
for anything, ask Him for the Firdaus, for it is the last part of
Paradise and the highest part of Paradise, and at its top there is the
Throne of Beneficent, and from it gush forth the rivers of
Paradise." (Bukhari 9/519)
Abdullah ibn Hisham (radhiallâhu anhu) narrated: "We were with the
Prophet (sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam) and he was holding the hand of
'Umar bin Al-Khattab. 'Umar said to Him, "O Allâh's Messenger! You are
dearer to me than everything except my own self." The Prophet
(sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam) said, "No, by Him in Whose Hand my soul
is, (you will not have complete or perfect faith) till I am dearer to
you than your own self." Then 'Umar said to him, "However, now, by
Allâh, you are dearer to me than my own self." The Prophet
(sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam) said, "Now, O 'Umar, you are a
believer." (Bukhari 8/628)
Abu Hurairah (radhiallâhu anhu) narrated that the Prophet
(sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam) said: "The most perfect believer in
respect of faith is he who is best of them in manners." (Abu Dawud
Abu Humamah (radhiallâhu anhu) narrated that the Prophet
(sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam) said: "If anyone loves for Allâh's
sake, hates for Allâh's sake, gives for Allâh's sake and withholds for
Allâh's sake, he will have perfect faith." (Abu Dawud 4664)
Abu Hurairah (radhiallâhu anhu) narrated that the Prophet
(sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam) said: "Among the Muslims the most
perfect, as regards his faith, is the one whose character is
excellent, and the best among you are those who treat their wives
well." (Tirmidhi 278, 628, 3264 and Abu Dawud)
Aishah (Radhiallâhu anha) narrated that Allâh's Messenger (sallallâhu
'alayhi wasallam) said, "Among the believers who show most perfect
faith are those who have the best disposition, and are kindest to
their families." (Tirmidhi 3263)
All the above Prophetic teachings in addition to the Qur'anic Ayât
(Verses) earlier quoted clearly tell us that indeed, Islam is the
perfect religion and hence the best way of life for all. Islam as a
universal religion is Allah's Blessing and Mercy for all of us. It
is for us to enjoy it and be successful in the eternal world to come.
The best way to attain success through Islam is to learn it according
to its authentic Sources. That is, to acquire knowledge of Islam
through the Qur'an and the Sunnah and the right deductions from these
revealed Sources of Knowledge and Guidance.
Since Allah (Subhanahu wa ta'ala) is the One Who gives guidance,
earnestly ask Him for authentic Islamic knowledge. We must seek His
help and guidance to be able to apply such knowledge and share them to
others – all for His Pleasure. May our Rabb (Cherisher and Sustainer)
increase our knowledge of Islam and enjoy the best life of being true
Muslims forever. Ameen
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6:02 AM | | 0 Comments
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