[NH] مقطع سكس محذوف من فلم عمارة ال يعقوبيان سكس مثير غنج مصري مثير مقطع مهرب سكس جامد حمل المقطع كامل الان

مقطع سكس محذوف من عمارة ال يعقوبيان سكس مثير غنج مصري مثير مقطع مهرب سكس جامد حمل الفلم كامل الان



حمل من الموقع الجديد لسكس العربي تصوير فقط 2010 -2011 افلام جديدة سكس ساخن مثير مجموعة صغيرة بس مثيرة حمل مجانا


[NH] شاهد اول فلم سكس في تاريخ العرب بنت مصرية تمارس مع شاب و تغنج بصوت مرتفع و تعرف انو تتصورس سكس عنيف ساخن ++22

شاهد اول فلم سكس في تاريخ  العرب بنت مصرية تمارس مع شاب و تغنج بصوت مرتفع و تعرف انو تتصورس سكس عنيف ساخن



تصوير سائحات مع شباب مصريين سكس جماعي سائحات ساخنات سكس مثير يمارسو  ويمصو سكس ساخن وغنج مثير


[NH] مجموعة شباب و بنات في السعودية عاريا تمام في بركة سباحة سكس جماعي ساخن حمل الفلم سكس كامل جنس مثير لاول مرة على لانترنت ++18

مجموعة شباب و بنات في السعودية عاريا تمام في بركة سباحة سكس جماعي ساخن حمل الفلم سكس كامل جنس مثير  لاول مرة على لانترنت



تصوير لبنت عراقية مع شاب في بيت مهدوم يصورهم بدون ما يعرفو يشربو مخدرات ثم يمارسو سكس ساخن تنزل البنت على لارض سكس مثير حمل الفلم كامل ساخن من رأس الصفحة رابط مباشرة


[NH] تصوير لدكتور في جامعة مع طالبة في المختر يمارس معها سكس ساخن غنج بنت جامدة الفلم كامل هنا

تصوير لدكتور في جامعة مع طالبة في المختر يمارس معها سكس ساخن غنج بنت جامدة الفلم كامل هنا



حمل من الموقع الجديد لسكس العربي تصوير فقط 2010 -2011 افلام جديدة سكس ساخن مثير مجموعة صغيرة بس مثيرة حمل مجانا


[NH] Health is Wealth

Health care tips, useful exercise tips, fitness, symptoms treatment,
For complete health advice and guidance..visit: www.health-guidence.blogspot.com

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[NH] بنت روسية مع سعودي تصوير سكس ساخن وتمصلو و ينزل 3 مرات سكس جامد و ساخن حمل الفلم كامل ++22

بنت روسية مع سعودي تصوير سكس ساخن وتمصلو و ينزل 3 مرات سكس جامد و ساخن حمل الفلم كامل



حمل من الموقع الجديد لسكس العربي تصوير فقط 2010 -2011 افلام جديدة سكس ساخن مثير مجموعة صغيرة بس مثيرة حمل مجانا


[NH] New Study Indicates That Affordable Supplements And Sunlight Offer Optimal Protection From Breast Cancer

A new French study recently released show that some sunlight and
supplementation with vitamin D is effective in reducing the risk of
contracting breast cancer.

There have been several other studies that have indicated vitamin D
levels can reduce the risk of some cancers including breast cancer.
Experts have been split on weather it is more advisable to get vitamin
D through sunlight or by orally taking this very affordable


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[NH] حمل فلم سكس كامل من البداية حتى النهاية فلم سكس مصري جامد مص و لحس سكس يمارسو مع مص تمصلو حتى ينزل مرتين سكس ساخن عربي تغنج و تعرف انو يصورها

حمل فلم سكس كامل من البداية حتى النهاية فلم سكس مصري جامد مص و لحس سكس يمارسو مع مص تمصلو حتى ينزل مرتين سكس ساخن عربي تغنج و تعرف انو يصورها



برنامج  يخليك تحمل سكس من لانترنت دون ان يسحب داولود يوجد تشكيلة افلام سكس ساخن حمل البرنامج مجانا


[NH] لاول مرة تصوير بنت عراقية تغتصب في سيارة جيش لامريكي تغنج من لالم سكس مثير البنت عذراء يفتحوها و بتبكي سكس عنيف جنديان بس عنيفين ++18

لاول مرة تصوير بنت عراقية تغتصب في سيارة جيش لامريكي تغنج من لالم سكس مثير البنت عذراء يفتحوها و بتبكي سكس عنيف جنديان بس عنيفين



دعاية قمصان نوم بنانية ثم يتحول لى فلم سكس غنج مثير يمارسو مع شاب مثير غنج يناني مثير


[NH] تصوير من مخزن بليل لشاب مع موظفة في محل فلم سكس مصري ساخن يمارسو و تمص يمارسو بعنف ++18

تصوير من مخزن بليل لشاب مع موظفة في محل فلم سكس مصري ساخن يمارسو و تمص يمارسو بعنف



دعاية قمصان نوم بنانية ثم يتحول لى فلم سكس غنج مثير يمارسو مع شاب مثير غنج يناني مثير


[NH] Understanding The Difference Between Fat Soluble And Water Soluble Vitamins

Many of us get our vitamin requirements from our diets. They are found
in foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy product, meats and
fish. For those that do not receive their requirements of essential
vitamins from the foods that they eat they can receive them from some
very affordable supplements that can be readily purchased. When you
choose supplementation it is important to know the difference between
what you will hear referred to as fat and water soluble vitamins.
These are the two main categories that you will hear vitamins being
grouped into.


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[NH] اعتقالات في السعودية بعد احتجاجات>>>>>> ومواضيع اخرى مميزه

تكرار المظاهرات يهدد بإلغاء الرحلات السياحية الوافدة إلى مصر

اعتقالات في السعودية بعد احتجاجات

قصص مؤلمة

مشاهدة و تحميل مقطع جد جد جد مضحك راح فيهاالمسكين هههه

آقلآم كحل للعيون (:$)

صورر لبعض اعمالي اليدوية اول مشاركة لي *************

ديكــورأأأتـ فــرســأأتشــــي ..:‎

يوميات زوجة جنوبية لزوج شمالي

فيديو : اهداف مباراة برشلونة ورايسنج سانتندير

لأول مرة منذ 34 عاما.. غياب عربي تام عن نصف نهائي كأس آسيا

بورشه تخطط لإنتاج «كاجون» في عام 2013

ثيم برج ايفيل ~ روعة

عملاق جوالات نوكيا بإصداره الجديد Nokia Ovi Suite Beta

لعبة صيد البط _ لعبة اكثر من رائعة _ للجوال

وظائف شاغرة بميناء الملك فهد بالجبيل

اسعار سندات الخزانة الامريكية تقفز متأثرة بمخاوف الاضطرابات في مصر

شرح مصور و حصري لشركة onbux+إتبات الدفع ب 50 دولار+إجابة عن الأسئلة

[للبيع] : فندق بمكة بالشارع العام بالعزيزيه

للبيع 2 مكتب متجاورين بالعاشر من رمضان

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[NH] The Religion of Islam!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Religion of Islam

The first thing that one should know and clearly understand about
Islam is what the word "Islam" itself means. The religion of Islam is
not named after a person as in the case of Christianity which was
named after Jesus Christ, Buddhism after Gotama Buddha, Confucianism
after Confucius, and Marxism after Karl Marx. Nor was it named after a
tribe like Judaism after the tribe of Judah and Hinduism after the
Hindus. Islam is the true religion of "Allah" and as such, its name
represents the central principle of Allah's "God's" religion; the
total submission to the will of Allah "God".
The Arabic word "Islam" means the submission or surrender of one's
will to the only true god worthy of worship "Allah" and anyone who
does so is termed a "Muslim", The word also implies "peace" which is
the natural consequence of total submission to the will of Allah.
Hence, it was not a new religion brought by Prophet Muhammad (peace be
upon him) I in Arabia in the seventh century, but only the true
religion of Allah re-expressed in its final form.
Islam is the religion which was given to Adam, the first man and the
first prophet of Allah, and it was the religion of all the prophets
sent by Allah to mankind. The name of God's religion Islam was not
decided upon by later generations of man. It was chosen by Allah
Himself and clearly mentioned in His final revelation to man. In the
final book of divine revelation, the Qur'an, Allah states the
"This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favor
upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion". (Qur'an
"If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah
(God) never will It be accepted of Him" (Qur'an 3:85)
"Abraham was not a Jew nor Christian; but an upright Muslim." (Qur'an
Since the total submission of one's will to Allah represents the
essence of worship, the basic message of Allah's divine religion,
Islam is the worship of Allah alone and the avoidance of worship
directed to any person, place or thing other than Allah. Since
everything other than Allah, the Creator of all things is Allah's
creation; it may be said that Islam, in essence calls man away from
the worship of creation and invites him to worship only its Creator.
He is the only one deserving man's worship as it is only by His will
that prayers are answered.
"You alone do we worship and from you alone do we seek help". (Qur'an
Elsewhere, in the final book of revelation, the Qur'an, Allah also
"And your Lord says:"Call on Me and I will answer your
(prayer)." (Qur'an 40:60)
It is worth noting that the basic message of Islam is that Allah and
His creation are distinctly different entities. Neither is Allah His
creation or a part of it, nor is His creation Him or a part of Him.
This might seem obvious, but, man's worship of creation instead of the
Creator is to a large degree based on ignorance of this concept. It is
the belief that the essence of Allah is everywhere in His creation or
that His divine being is or was present in some aspects of His
creation, which has provided justification for the worship of creation
though such worship maybe called the worship of Allah through his
creation. However, the message of Islam as brought by the prophets of
Allah is to worship only Allah and to avoid the worship of his
creation either directly or indirectly. In the Qur'an Allah clearly
"For We assuredly sent amongst every people a prophet,(with the
command) worship me and avoid false gods " (Qur'an 16:36)
Within the central principle of Islam and in its definition, (the
surrender of one's will to God) lies the roots of Islam's
universality. Whenever man comes to the realization that Allah is one
and distinct from His creation, and submits himself to Allah, he
becomes a Muslim in body and spirit and is eligible for paradise.
Thus, anyone at anytime in the most remote region of the world can
become a Muslim, a follower of God's religion, Islam, by merely
rejecting the worship of creation and by turning to Allah (God) alone.
It should be noted however, that the recognition of and submission to
Allah requires that one chooses between right and wrong and such a
choice implies accountability. Man will be held responsible for his
choices, and, as such, he should try his utmost to do good and avoid
evil. The ultimate good being the worship of Allah alone and the
ultimate evil being the worship of His creation along with or instead
of Allah. This fact is expressed in the final revelation as follows:
"Verily those who believe, those who follow the Jewish (Scriptures),
the Christians and the Sabians any who believe In Allah and the last
day, and work righteousness *hall have their reward with their Lord;
They will not be overcome by fear nor grief (Qur'an 2:62).
If only they had stood by the law, the Gospel, and all the revelation
that was sent to them from their Lord, they would have enjoyed
happiness from every side. There Is from among them a party on the
right course; but many of them follow a course that is evil". (Qur'an

The question which arises here is, "How can all people be expected to
believe in Allah given their varying- backgrounds, societies and
cultures? For people to be responsible for worshipping Allah they all
have to have access to knowledge of Allah. The final revelation
teaches that all mankind have the recognition of Allah imprinted on
their souls, a part of their very nature with which they are created.
In the Qur'an 172-173; Allah explained that when He created Adam, He
caused all of Adam's descendants to come into existence and took a
pledge from them saying, Am I not your Lord? To which they all
replied, " Yes, we testify to It:'
Allah then explained why He had all of mankind bear witness that He is
their creator and only true God worthy of worship. He said, "That was
In case you (mankind) should say on the day of Resurrection, "Verily
we were unaware of all this." That is to say, we had no idea that You
Allah, were our God. No one told us that we were only supposed to
worship You alone. Allah went on to explain that it was also In case
you should say, "Certainly It was our ancestors who made partners
(With Allah) and we are only their descendants; will You then destroy
us for what those liars did?" Thus, every child is born with a natural
belief in Allah and an inborn inclination to worship Him alone called
in Arabic the "Fitrah".
Prophets were sent, as was earlier mentioned, to every nation and
tribe to support man's natural belief in Allah and man's inborn
inclination to worship Him as well as to reinforce the divine truth in
the daily signs revealed by Allah. Although, in most cases, much of
the prophets' teachings became distorted, portions remained which
point out right and wrong. Consequently, every soul will be held to
account for its belief in Allah and its acceptance of the religion of
Islam; the total submission to the will of Allah.
We pray to Allah, the exalted, to keep us on the right path to which
He has guided us, and to bestow on us a blessing from Him, He is
indeed the Most Merciful. Praise and gratitude be to Allah, the Lord
of the worlds, and peace and blessings be on prophet Muhammad, his
Family, his companions, and those who rightly follow them.

If you wish to know more about Islam, we prefer to visit the
following websites:






















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[NH] سعودي تحرش بفتاة فحكم عليه بتقليم أشجار الطرقات لمدة شهر ومواضيع اخرى مميزه


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[NH] Natural Remedy for Anxiety Relief

This article discusses the perhaps little known amino acid L-Theanine
as a natural remedy for anxiety relief.

L-Theanine, naturally occurring in green tea, proves effective in
dealing with anxiety symptoms and providing anxiety relief.

L-Theanine is a unique free form amino acid found only in the tea
plant and in the mushrooms Xerocomus badius and certain species of
genus Camellia, C. japonica and C. sasanqua. Often drinkers of green
tea report a feeling of calmness they feel after ingesting a cup or
two even though green tea has roughly half the caffeine of coffee.
This is due to the high L-Theanine content.

In addition to reducing anxiety symptoms, studies have shown L-
Theanine may be effective in promoting concentration, supporting the
immune system, improving learning performance, lowering blood
pressure, increasing formation of the inhibitory neurotransmitter
GABA, and increasing brain dopamine levels among other positive
benefits with no known downside.


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[NH] صحتـــــــــك تهمنــــــــــا

وجبات قليلة الكربوهيدرات

High Protein Low Carb Diet 300x286 وجبات قليلة الكربوهيدرات

ملاحظات :

1. النظام الغذائي يتضمن إرشادات الطهي الكامل واطنان من وصفات مختلفة.

2. النظام الغذائي يشمل مجموعة من المواد الغذائية بالاضافة الى استبدال المشورة الأكل التدريجي.

3. النظام الغذائي يتضمن معلومات كاملة عن السعرات الحرارية والكربوهيدرات.

السعرات الحرارية



فقدان الوزن وحرق السعرات الحرارية من خلال المشي

walker 300x300 فقدان الوزن وحرق السعرات الحرارية من خلال المشي

معظم ، إن لم يكن جميعها ، من منا يعرف أن ممارسة هو أفضل وسيلة لحرق السعرات الحرارية ، وانقاص وزنه ويحصل في هذا الشكل. ومع ذلك ، معظمنا كسول جدا للقيام بذلك. كثير من الناس يكرهون الجري وركوب الدراجات لأنهم يشعرون بأنهم نفاد الهواء بعد ممارسة الرياضة. لهؤلاء الناس هناك حل
السعرات الحرارية ويفقد جنيه ، وهذا هو سيرا على الأقدام. على الرغم من أنه لا يحرق السعرات الحرارية وبكثير بالمقارنة مع التشغيل ، ويمكن أن يساعد أيضا حرق قدرا كبيرا من السعرات الحرارية ، وأنها أكثر أمانا وخاصة لأولئك الناس الذين يعانون من مشاكل مشتركة.


طرق بسيطة لتستمتع دون الحصول على سعرات

 holiday meal 636 300x225 طرق بسيطة لتستمتع دون الحصول على سعرات

شعرت يوما مثل الاعياد واحدة عقبة غذائية كبيرة طبعا؟ لمساعدتك في تجنب الانهيارات وجبة هذا العام — ولكن لا يزال يتمتع كل من فرح لهذا الموسم — لقد تضمنت بعض النصائح من مقالتي الأخيرة في مجلة صحة المرأة. هنا ، ثلاثة سيناريوهات الموسمية واستراتيجيات مشتركة والدهاء لمساعدتك في البقاء على نحو أفضل في هذا العام على التوالي والضيقة.



المأكولات البحرية غذاء صحي للقلب والجسم

Seafood1 300x270 المأكولات البحرية غذاء صحي للقلب والجسم

عند الحديث عن البحر وما يحوي من كائنات حية واختلاف مذاق وطعم وطريقة إعداد كل نوع عن الآخر. يأتي السؤال عن فائدة الأغذية البحرية وما مدى

صحة ما يشاع عنها ؟



حب الشباب المشكله الاكثر شيوعا

acne remedies 224x300 حب الشباب المشكله الاكثر شيوعا

لدينا كل واحد أو مشكلة صحية أخرى ، حب الشباب هو المشكلة الأكثر شيوعا. جمال البشرة يجري عميق ، بعد أن حب الشباب على جلدك يجعل الناس يعتبرون أنفسهم غير جذاب كما. انك لا تحتاج الى تفقد جمالك النوم أكثر من المشاكل الجلدية مثل حب الشباب العلاج الطبيعي هنا. أولا يجب أن نفهم لماذا لدينا حب الشباب؟ ومن المقرر ان الغدد الدهنية التي مفرط خصوصا على الوجه والصدر والرقبة أثناء المراهقة والاختلالات الهرمونية. تنتج هذه الغدد الزهم التي تحصل محاصرين في طبقات الجلد يسبب حب الشباب.


للاشتراك فى القائمه البريديه للموقع باللغه العربيه اضغط هنــــــــــا


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[NH] اخترنا لـــــــك .....(مواضيع شيقه جدااااااااا)ز

ايام مشرقة من حياة الصحابة

خلفيات للأطفال - Wallpapers for kids - مجموعة خلفيات أطفال جوده عاليه جدا

اضحك كركر مع اغبى المواقف الكروية

عندك فازلين ..؟ تعالي بسرعه !!!

سلسلة "كان و أصبح" (1)

لمسات ديكور بسيطة تضفي التميز على منزلك...

صديقتي اقامت علاقه جسديه مع رجل غير زوجها

مراسل "الفرنسية يصف لاعبي الأخضر بـ"الدجاج"

الساموراي الياباني بعشرة لاعبين يطيح بقطر صاحبة الارض من كاس اسيا

كتاب رائع فيه جميع التمارين التي تحتاجها لبناء عضلاتك

قاموس اكسفورد اللغة الانجليزية Oxford Dictionary 2006 Final

وظائف أكاديمية شاغرة بطب جامعة الفيصل

التحليل اليومي لسوق الفوركس من YoutradeFx 21/01/2011

افضل مواقع العمل من المنزل والربح من الأنترنت

عرض للبيع//عمــارة تــجاريــه في حي الملز

مطلوب شقة بمدينة الشروق 0110619089

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[NH] The Best Supplements to Reduce the Stress of the Holiday Season

Many of us look forward to the holiday season. We can get together
with family and friends and enjoy their company. It can also be a very
hectic time of year and can add a few pounds that we do not want,
deplete our energy levels and weaken our immune system. It is also a
time of stress looking for the perfect gift, having company for
extended periods and trying to be the perfect host or hostess. Our
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[NH] Male Enhancements Exceed the Limitations of Competition

<a href="http://www.firminite.com/natural-male-enhancements.php">Male
enhancements</a> are found in many different varieties, yet finding a
quality product demands an understanding of how to overcome the
competitive hype.

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[NH] سكس على ثلج سكس ساخن بنت تمارس و يلحسلها على ثلج سكس ساخن فلم سكس مثير غنج من البرد و ثلج hot girls arbac fucken anal hard hot free hard anal

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[NH] سكس داخل الكندر مصرية تمص لشاب سكران سكس ساخن تمارس الجنس مع المص حمل سكس الجامد لان من هنا free DOWNLODS SEX HOT DOWNLODS SEX RUSSAIN FREE IRAPS GIRLS FUCKEN HOT SEX FREE VIDEO HOT

سكس داخل الكندر مصرية تمص لشاب سكران سكس ساخن تمارس الجنس مع المص حمل سكس الجامد لان من هنا



 سكس روسية مع شاب تمصلو و يلحسلها حمل افلام سك ساخنة المص و لحس مجانا سكس مصرية  وليبية و بنانية عنف مجانا  ++18


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[NH] 16 Months Online Program

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[NH] Fat Burning Foods & Thermogenic Foods

That depends on your definition of a "fat burning food." When you say "fat burning food" or "foods that burn fat," many people instantly think of exotic herbs, hot spices or foods like cayenne, chili pepper, mustard, cider vinegar, guarana, green tea, etc., which allegedly increase your metabolic rate.

It sounds like a diet gimmick, so you're justified in being skeptical, but believe it or not, some of these purported fat burning foods actually have some science behind the claims.

For example, there is a slight thermogenic effect from capsaicin in hot pepper.

Well-controlled research has also proven that a compound in green tea called epigallo-catechin gallate (EGCG) gives a small but significant increase in 24 hour metabolic rate. It would take 3-4 strong cups of green tea to get the necessary amount, 270-300 mg of EGCG, or it can also be obtained from green tea extract supplements.

However, there is a catch. The fat burning (thermogenic) effect of these foods is real, but very small. A study published in the European Journal of clinical Nutrition found that a dose of hot pepper (in an amount that could be tolerated), only increased metabolism by 21 calories. Green tea extract fared a little better, but not much. Research from Switzerland found an average 24 hour increase in metabolism of 79 calories.

That's not much. In fact, it's controversial whether this short term (24 hour) increase in metabolism will have any impact on actual fat loss over time.

If you like Green tea, it's extremely healthy, and I do recommend it as a beverage. And, if you like hot peppers and hot spicy foods (I do), by all means enjoy them - they can be quite nutritious - and they may give a tiny boost to your metabolism. Just don't expect any fat loss miracles.

What WILL help you burn fat is a diet consisting of nutrient-dense, natural foods and putting together your meals to maximize satiety, while also choosing some of the foods that have a lower caloric density and a higher thermic effect of digestion. Let me explain...

Dietary Thermogenesis and the Thermic Effect Of Food

In reality, ALL foods are "thermogenic" because the body must use energy to digest them. This is known as the "thermic effect of food" (TEF) or "specific dynamic action of food."

However, not all foods have the same thermic effect. Dietary fat has the lowest thermic effect. The most thermogenic food (my "favorite") is lean protein from solid foods, especially the following:

  • chicken breast
  • turkey breast
  • game meats (venison, elk, etc)
  • bison, buffalo
  • very lean red meat such as top round and lean sirloin (grass fed is especially nutritious)
  • almost all types of fish
  • shellfish and other seafood
  • egg whites (whole eggs in moderation)

Research has proven that the thermic effect of protein is the highest of all the macronutrients, requiring about 30% of the calories it contains, just for digestion and processing. An added bonus is that lean protein foods suppress your appetite!

This is one of the reasons that a fat loss diet calls for a lean protein food at every meal. It's also no coincidence that bodybuilders are the leanest muscular athletes on earth. My entire fat loss program is based on these fat burning and muscle-friendly diet methods.

When you combine thermogenic lean protein foods with the right amounts and types of essential fats, add in plenty of green vegetables and just the right amount of natural starchy carbs and 100% whole grains, your body will literally turn into a turbo-charged fat burning machine - without drugs, supplements or weird diet gimmicks.

A Simple 3-Step Formula To Put Together A Fat-Burning Meal:

STEP 1: Select a green vegetable or fibrous vegetable such as asparagus, green beans, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, salad vegetables, etc., and then

STEP 2: Combine that with one of the lean proteins (previously mentioned above).

STEP 3: The lean protein and fibrous carb forms the foundation of your fat burning meal. From there, add natural starchy carbs or grains such as brown rice, oats, or sweet potatoes - in the amount your calorie needs dictate and to the degree your body can tolerate them (some people are carb-sensitive). Fruit is also ok, but focus even more on the green and fibrous vegetables.

You can learn a lot more about fat burning foods and a very powerful fat burning system by watching my free presentation on the home page... just click the link below

Best Fat-Burning Foods For Burning Body Fat

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[NH] SuperSet Workouts! A Technique To Gain More Muscle In Less Time, By Tom Venuto

A Technique To Gain More Muscle In Less Time, By Tom Venuto

Wouldn't it be great if there was a safe and natural way to build more muscle in a shorter period of time? In this day and age of exercise gimmicks and quick fix solutions, most smart trainees would be skeptical if they heard such a claim. But guess what? Such an "animal" really does exist.

No, it's not a drug. It's not some miracle supplement, either. Nor is it a newfangled piece of workout machinery. If you've been training seriously for any length of time, it's something you're probably already familiar with, but haven't fully exploited to the maximum degree. What is this method for building more muscle in less time? Surprise, surprise; it's called supersetting!

Even if you've used supersets before, you may not be familiar with all the different types of supersets or the many ways you can incorporate them into your workouts. Just in case you're not familiar with supersets, let me start from the beginning and explain the difference between a conventional set and a superset.

Supersets 101

Conventional weight training is done using "straight sets." A straight set consists of a series of nonstop repetitions, usually somewhere between 6 and 12, followed by a rest interval of one to three minutes. A superset is an advanced training technique where you perform two exercises in a row with virtually no rest in between exercises. Supersets are an excellent technique for muscular hypertrophy, especially if you are short on time. Not all types of supersets are ideal for building maximal strength, however. Let me explain why...

When you perform two exercises in a row with no rest in between, this will reduce the amount of weight you can handle on the second exercise in each superset pair. Your strength will also decrease from fatigue with each subsequent superset. Because supersets don't allow you to use maximal weights, they are not always well-suited to building strength. However, supersets are always a great body building or hypertrophy technique.

You don't see powerlifters doing supersets as often as the bodybuilders use them. In fact, strength athletes usually do the opposite; they take longer rest intervals (sometimes as long as 3-5 minutes) between sets so they can recuperate as much as possible before the next set. After a between-set recovery period of at least 3 minutes, you can attack the next set with maximum strength. If you are still fatigued from the previous set and you start another set too soon, you won't be able to lift as much weight.

3 Major Benefits of Supersets

There are three primary advantages supersets have over conventional straight sets:

1. Supersets save time. The most obvious advantage of supersetting is to save time. Even if you truly enjoy training, it's probably safe to assume that you wouldn't mind getting equal or better results in a shorter period of time. By eliminating the rest intervals between sets (when you would normally be doing nothing), you can finish your workout in as little as half the time (or you can do more volume in the same time).

2. Supersets increase intensity. Usually when you think of high intensity muscle building techniques, you think of forced reps, descending sets, and negative-emphasis reps. Supersets are simply another method of increasing intensity. Shortening the rest between sets is hard work and represents an overload to your body -- especially if you're used to a long rest interval. The principle is: more work performed in less time equals more intensity and more intensity equals more muscle.

3. Supersets can allow you to work around an injury or decrease joint stress. I stumbled onto the value of supersets as a way to train around injuries at the age of 20 when I ruptured a disc in my lower back. I was a fairly decent squatter at a young age, doing 405 lbs for 6 reps before I was 20 years old. After the injury, I wanted to maintain my leg muscle without putting so much stress on my lower back. Because I could no longer squat more than 275-315 lbs. without high risk of re-injuring my back, I started doing supersets and higher reps out of necessity. After a relatively brief period training with supersets, my quads quickly grew to become my best body part.

With the exception of brief strength phases when I do straight sets with as much weight as I can, I utilize supersets extensively for quads to this day. When you do supersets, you can't lift as much weight (especially on the second exercise), because you are not recovering completely between exercises. However, with a superset, you can still overload a muscle with a lighter weight in a way that produces muscle growth, because the work density is higher. By not training with max poundages all the time, this decreases joint stress and often allows you to work around injuries.

There are three primary categories of supersets:

1) same muscle group

2) agonist-antagonist

3) staggered sets (aka "non-competing" muscle group supersets).

Let's take a look at each category and a few examples of each.

SuperSet Workouts!

1. Same muscle group. The first and most common way to superset is to combine two exercises for the same muscle group. An example would be supersetting bench presses with dumbbell flyes.

Within the "same muscle group" superset category there are four sub-categories: pre-exhaust, post-exhaust, compound and isolation. Each one has a slightly different effect:

a) Pre-exhaust. Pre-exhaustion is probably the best known type of superset among bodybuilders. A pre exhaust superset is performed by choosing two exercises for the same muscle group; an isolation exercise first, followed by a basic, compound movement.

The idea behind pre-exhaust supersets is to take a muscle group beyond the normal point of exhaustion and thereby achieve muscle fiber stimulation and growth that you could not achieve from a straight set. Here's how this works:

Suppose you are doing a set of leg extensions for your thighs and you push yourself until you can't do another rep. Most people think their legs are finished at this point and that they couldn't go further if they tried. The quadriceps muscles may indeed be completely exhausted - you couldn't do another leg extension if you tried - but by walking over to the squat rack, you'll find that you are still able to do squats (albeit with a lighter poundage than usual).

Why? Because even though the quadriceps reached total failure on the leg extensions, other lower body muscles used in a squat are still fresh and strong (glutes, hamstrings, adductors and different sections of the quadriceps group.) By "pre-exhausting" the target muscle with an isolated movement you can then continue to blast the fatigued muscle even further with the help of the assisting muscles in the compound movement.

The only drawback with pre exhaust supersets is that you will only be able to use a fraction of your normal weight on the second exercise. Let's say you can normally squat with 315 for 10 reps when you do the exercise first. When you switch the order and do leg extensions first, you might find that your quads are so fried from the leg extensions that even 225 lbs. for 10 reps on the squat is difficult.

That's ok when it comes to muscle growth, but remember, if your goal is power or pure strength then this would be counter productive. If strength is your primary goal, it would be better to stick with straight sets of squats and do your squats first. But if your goal is pure hypertrophy, do NOT write off the pre-exhaust technique (as some strength coaches have recently suggested).

Here are some examples of pre-exhaust superset combinations:

Isolation exercise (1st)Compound exercise (2nd)
Leg ExtensionSquat or Leg Press
Leg CurlStiff Legged Deadlift
Dumbbell PulloverSeated cable row
Dumbbell Flyes Bench Press
Side Lateral raiseMilitary Press

b) Post-exhaust. The opposite of pre exhaust is post exhaust. In a post exhaust superset you would again choose a basic compound movement and an isolation movement. This time, however, you would perform the compound movement first and the isolation movement second. The advantage of the post exhaust superset is that you will be fresh on the compound movement so you can use more weight.

Post exhaust supersets can also be used as a very effective variation on the heavy-light system (specifically, it's concurrent periodization where you use multiple rep range training in the SAME workout).

SuperSet Workouts!

For example, instead of just doing the regular sets of 8-12 reps, choose a heavy basic movement for the first exercise and do about 6 reps. Then, follow it with a lighter isolation movement and go for 20 reps. This gives you the best possible of both worlds: a) size and strength increase, and b) isolation with a wicked pump.

Compound exercise (1st) Isolation exercise (2nd)
Leg PressLeg Extension
Incline Bench PressIncline Dumbbell Flyes
Military Press Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise
Close Grip Bench PressRope Pushdowns
Romanian DeadliftLeg Curl

c) Compound superset. This type of superset is reserved for very brave people. Supersetting two compound exercises together can create amazing muscle growth in a very short period of time, but it's incredibly demanding and exhausting. It takes all the energy you can muster to get through a series of compound supersets. If you use relatively heavy weights, it is also very taxing on the nervous system and requires that special attention be paid to recovery after the session. You DO NOT need many sets when you use compound supersets.

An example would be supersetting squats with leg presses. Another is the bent over row with a romanian deadlift (absolutely KILLER!... but avoid if you have low back problems) Combinations like these can easily leave you lying flat on your back gasping for air, but the results are well worth it!

Compound exercise #1 Compound exercise #2
SquatsLeg Press
Strict barbell bent over rowDeadlift or Romanian Deadlift (YOWWWW!!)

NOTE: A word of caution about pre exhaust and compound supersets: If your second exercise is a compound free weight movement that requires a great deal of neuromuscular coordination or is the type of exercise that requires a spotter, pay extra attention to your form and fatigue level. When your prime movers are fatigued from the first exercise, you may feel "wobbly" and your form is much more likely to break in the second exercise.

If you let your form become sloppy because you are fatigued, you are more likely to get injured. It's not uncommon for pre-fatigued muscles to give out suddenly without warning. If this happens during a bench press or squat and you don't have a spotter or safety mechanism in place, the results could be disastrous. A safer method, especially if you're a beginner, is to select a movement for the second exercise that requires less skill and coordination (leg press, smith machine squat, hack squat) or free weight movement with a built in safeguard (power rack, safety catch, spotter, etc).

d) Isolation supersets. The fourth and final way to do a same muscle group superset is to superset two isolation exercises, such as cable crossovers and dumbbell flyes. This is a useful technique for focusing on one particular muscle group or section of a muscle group to the exclusion of others. It is used most often during pre-contest or definition phases when mass and strength are no longer the primary concerns, or when you want to keeping training and stimulating blood flow, but you want to give your central nervous system a rest.

Isolation exercise #1 Isolation exercise #2
Dumbbell flyescable crossover
Dumbbell kickbacksreverse grip pushwowns

Ok, now that you know all four types of same muscle group supersets, let's take a look at the other two categories of supersets: antagonistic supersets and staggered supersets.

2. Antagonistic muscle group supersets. When you do two exercises in a row for the same muscle group, it tends to significantly limit the amount of weight you can use because of fatigue and lactic acid buildup. Pairing opposing (antagonistic) muscle groups together can help you keep your strength up because as one muscle is working, the opposite one is resting. Common examples include pairing biceps with triceps, chest with back, or hamstrings with quadriceps.

This is also an excellent technique for developing better muscle balance. For example, many people overwork the pushing exercises like bench press, while neglecting the pulling exercises like rows. By using antagonistic (push-pull) supersets. You assure a good balance between these opposing muscle groups.

In bodybuilding, supersets are especially popular as a technique for blasting the arms. Supersetting biceps and triceps together (as in pairing barbell curls paired with dumbbell tricep extensions), is a great combination can create excellent muscle pumps that make your arms feel like they're grown an inch!

Exercise #1 Exercise #2
Dumbbell Curls (flexion)Tricep extensions (extension)
Leg PressLying Leg Curl
Bench Press Seated Cable Row

3. Staggered sets. The final category of supersetting is staggered sets. A staggered set is a type of superset where you combine a major muscle with a minor and completed unrelated muscle. This technique is most commonly used for abs and calves. The way you utilize this principle is to "squeeze in" a set of abs or calves in between straight sets for any major muscle group. For example, you could throw in a set of abs in between every set of chest you do. Instead of resting and doing nothing in between sets of chest, you are doing something productive - working your abs! This gets your workout finished much more quickly and spares you the monotony that many people feel from doing these small body parts by themselves.

As you can see, many benefits can be gained from including supersets in your training program. Supersets are a proven technique for increasing intensity and bringing up lagging body parts. They allow you to continue gaining muscle while working around injuries that might be aggravated with heavy weights. If your training program is getting stale, supersets can also help relieve your boredom. Best of all, supersetting is a legitimate way to get more results in less time. If you need to squeeze a result-producing workout into a short period of time, then supersets could be the answer to your muscle-building prayers!

SuperSet Workouts!

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