[NH] Pine nuts Health Benefits

Pine nuts Health Benefits:

Pine nuts are crunchy delicious in taste and smaller in size, loaded
with all phytonutrients and termed as heart friendly due to the rich
content of MUFA. Pine trees belong to the family of Pinaceae and
botanically known as Pinus Rosaceae, and commonly called as cedar
nuts, pinon nuts, pinyon pine nuts, pignoli etc., Pine trees are
supposed to be originated from Siberia and Canada, which grows taller
and reach the height of 75 meters with umbrella like foliage. The
flowers of pine trees developed into conical shape and the female
flower cones produce edible pine nuts encased in kernels after two or
three years from pollination. Generally female flower cones were
opened up to release the nuts after maturity.

Pine nuts comprise of essential minerals like sodium, potassium,
copper, iron, manganese, magnesium, selenium, zinc, calcium,
phosphorous, and antioxidants like lutein, zeaxanthin, beta carotene,
beta crypto-xanthin and vitamins like, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin
E, Vitamin B complex constituents, and carbohydrates, fats, proteins,
dietary fiber and zero cholesterol, which all contribute together to
promote general health and prevent health disorders.

Pine nuts health benefits include; pine nut are enriched with mono
unsaturated fatty acids that reduce LDL cholesterol and raise the
levels of HDL cholesterol and prevent cardio vascular disorders,
improves heart health, prevent heart stroke and stabilizes lipid
profile. The presence of fatty acid, pinolenic acid that helps to lose
weight, by controlling hunger due to the release of enzymes like,
glucagon like peptide, cholecystokinin which suppress hunger. The
presence of Vitamin E improves skin health, eliminates free oxygen
radicals and improves cell metabolism.

For more details please visit:http://ideas4health.in/health-ideas/

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