[NH] Mediterranean Diet Health Benefits:

Mediterranean Diet Health Benefits:

According to Research done by the University in Sicily and the
University of Navarra, Mediterranean diet style improves the quality
of life, make the people to live longer, healthy, keeping them
physically and mentally active without having any serious health
complications such as heart disorders, obesity, diabetes.

Mediterranean diet style mainly focused on taking fruits, vegetables,
nuts, olive oil, pulses, and fish in the diet, which not only expands
life span, reduces the chances of serious illness, as it is proved to
be beneficial for the improvement of better health.

Mediterranean Diet Health Benefits: Researchers suggest following
Mediterranean diet style to live healthy and longer. This diet style
adds decades to life span and prevents chronic disorders, like
dementia, heart strokes, obesity, cancer and diabetes. The Scientists
of Palermo University in Sicily have studied the people living in and
around Sciatic Mountain Regions. People living in those regions are
found to be living over 100 years than the average life span with good
physical and mental health without having serious health disorders.
They are found to live on Mediterranean diet life style.

For more details please visit;http://ideas4health.in/health-ideas/

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