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Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 9:42 AM
Subject: Books on Perfumery & Cosmetics

Books on Perfumery & Cosmetics


Divine Books
In the Service of Scholars since 1976


40/ 5,  Shakti Nagar, Delhi 110007
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Divine Books on Perfumery and Cosmetics Series




1. A Comprehensive Treatise on Perfumery- 
A Complete  Detailed  Description  of the Raw  Materials and Apparatus used in the Perfumer's Art/ R S Cristiani/ Rs. 1450, Edition 2012


2. A Practical Treatise on the Manufacture of  Perfumery:
Illustrated by Twenty-Eight Engravings Dr. C. Deite,/  translated from the German by William T. Brannt,/ Rs. 1450 , Edition 2012


3. The Art of Perfumery and  the Methods of Obtaining the Odours of Plants-
The Growth and General Flower Farm System of raising fragrant Herbs with Instructions for the Manufacture of Perfumes, and Cosmetics  etc.with an appendix on preparing artificial Fruit-Essences/ G. W. Septimus Piesse, / Rs. 1450, Edition 2012


Sri Garib Das Ayurveda Series

3. Ayurvedic Care and Cure of the Dihestive System/ Prof.Dr.P.H.Kulkarni. ISBN.978-03-81218-19-8  Rs.300
4.Experiments with Drugs of Ayurveda,/Prof.Dr.P.H. Kulkarni   .ISBN 978-93-81218-20-4. Rs.300
5.Ayurveda Philosophy and Practice/ Prof.P.H.Kulkarni.,   ISBN.978-93-81218-41-9.  Rs.250
6. Encyclopedia of Ayurvedic Massage/ John  Douillard/   ISBN. 978-93-81218-40-2.  Rs. 900  *




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Varun Gupta
Divine Books
40/5, Shakti Nagar,
Delhi 110007
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