[NH] Learn To Golf Like The Pro's

If you play golf regularly, then you will already know how
it is when the same errors, bad habits and mistakes with our golf
swing cause you to lose games, staying stuck with the same high
So if you:
Keep hitting the ball to the left/right
keep hitting behind or on top of the ball (topping, slicing
and hooking)
Suffer from inconsistent shots
Have a handicap which is way too high, because your drive is not
powerful and long enough
Are spending all that money on equipment and memberships only to end
up depressed and frustrated...
...then the following information should be able to point you in the
right direction once and for all.


You see, all of your high scores and inconsistent shots can be
resolved with a good golf swing. That's where it all starts...
what you'll learn inside Golf Swing Guru
There's a lot of content inside the Golf Swing Guru guide. Here's
a snapshot of some of the things you'll learn inside its' snappy 31
page resource...
You will find a step-by-step guide with detailed photos that will
teach you the correct way to grip the club. Instructions for the
interlocking and the overlapping grip are included.
Learn a method to check that you grip the club in the same manner for
every shot to promote consistency.
Learn a detailed procedure that will ensure that your grip promotes
straight ball flight, and not a hook or a slice.
Learn a secret on how to align the clubface so that you don't push
ball right. This is a problem that many golfers face, but luckily it
is an easy one to fix.
Discover an easy method to hit more greens. It's not difficult once
you have the correct information.
Learn the revolutionary setup. "The Simple Golf Swing" setup allows
you to swing around your spine. The key is to limit the amount of
horizontal and vertical body movement during the swing. This setup
will automatically give you the correct swing plane that promotes
consistency and power.
Discover the easiest way to make perfect impact with the ball on
shot. Just imagine the amount of stokes that you will save.
You may have heard of the one-piece takeaway. Learn the method that
will help you master this move, and keep your swing connected.
Learn how to get to the top of your backswing, and how to get into
same position for every shot. "The Simple Golf Swing" teaches you a
method that promotes an inside-out swing that you can use to
automatically hit the fairway.
Learn where to stop your backswing. A short backswing promotes
consistency, and increased distance. Remember, golf is a game of
Discover the distance secret that many instructors don't even address
because it's so hard to teach. Here's a hint: Hand Action that can
increase your swing speed by 10 mph.
Bonus material:
1. The Simple Chip arms you with information needed to start one-
putting and getting that up-and-down when you need it most
2. Fit to a Tee, an e-book by Mike Pedersen read by over 50,000
golfers to improve endurance and strength needed to play your best
3. Training aids you can make at home
4. Putting tips
5. How to get out of sand and close to the cup
6. Lifetime upgrades
7. Mental pre-shot routine
8. Secrets of the game's longest hitters with special pro golfer
guest, Mike Austin


Jack Rubin
The Villages, FL

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